d={10: 'iprg' , 22: 'Nan', 33:'Kool',8: 'Jool','y': 89,'tt':'toy',7:90 }
for i in d:
print i,d[i] # printing all the values in Dictionary
print '\n'
print d[8] #printing values of the individual keys
print '\n'
print d['y'] #printing values of the individual keys
print '\n'
print d[7] #printing values of the individual keys
print '\n'
d[33]='hello world' #updating the key 33 with new value
d[22]='pythonforengineers' #updating the key 22 with new value
for i in d:
print i,d[i] # printing all the updated values in Dictionary
del d[10] # deleting key:value pair using key value -> 10
print'\n Dictionary after deleting a value:\n', d
d.clear() #clearing all values
print '\n Dictionary after clearing all values:', d
del d # Removing the Dictionary
print d
print 'Some error has occurred'