Biopython - Python Tools for Computational Molecular Biology

Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers.

HUGO - The world’s fastest framework for building websites

Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again.

Hugo Features

Hugo boasts blistering speed, robust content management, and a powerful templating language making it a great fit for all kinds of static websites.


Extremely fast build times (< 1 ms per page)

Completely cross platform, with easy installation on macOS, Linux, Windows, and more

Renders changes on the fly with LiveReload as you develop

Powerful theming

Host your site anywhere


Straightforward organization for your projects, including website sections

Customizable URLs

Support for configurable taxonomies, including categories and tags

Sort content as you desire through powerful template functions

Automatic table of contents generation

Dynamic menu creation

Pretty URLs support

Permalink pattern support

Redirects via aliases


Native Markdown and Emacs Org-Mode support, as well as other languages via external helpers (see supported formats)

TOML, YAML, and JSON metadata support in front matter

Customizable homepage

Multiple content types

Automatic and user defined content summaries

Shortcodes to enable rich content inside of Markdown

“Minutes to Read” functionality

“WordCount” functionality

Additional Features 

Integrated Disqus comment support

Integrated Google Analytics support

Automatic RSS creation

Support for Go HTML templates

Syntax highlighting powered by Chroma