Python developers reveal their favorite tool kits

  • Python is used mainly for Data Analysis 
  • NumPy is most popular data science framework 
  • Flask is most popular web frameworks 
  • Requests is most popular software libraries 
  • PyCharm is most popular IDEs for Python 

Python program to print memory and processor usage

import os import psutil pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) mu = (py.memory_info()[0] / 2.**30) * 1000 print('Memory Use(MB):', mu, 'of process id:', pid) print('CPU Use:',psutil.cpu_percent())

Python Program to Find the Fibonacci Series with defined program storage infinity

a=0 b=1 n=9999999999999999999999 # Number of terms in Fibonacci Series (sample value) # An integer giving the maximum value a variable of type Py_ssize_t can take. # It 's usually 2^31 - 1 on a 32-bit platform and 2^63 - 1 on a 64-bit platform. print(a,b,end=" ") while(n-2): c=a+b a=b b=c print("\n",c) n=n-1

Python Web Development Frameworks

Full Stack Frameworks

It gives full support to developers including basic components like form generators, form validation, and template layouts etc

1. Django is a high-level Python Web application development framework that encourages us to develop things rapidly, It uses pragmatic design.  It’s free and open source.

2. Web2py is a free open source full-stack development framework in python which allows the user to develop things quickly. It is a cross-platform framework that supports all popular operating systems. 

3. TurboGears is a free, open source and data-driven full-stack web application development Python framework. With the help of Javascript developer tools, developers can simply the web application.

4. CubicWeb is a semantic, free and open-source Python web framework, that empowers developers to efficiently build web applications by reusing components and following the well known object-oriented design principles. 

Non Full Stack Frameworks

Non-full stack frameworks are also called as Micro frameworks because it doesn’t have many components like full stack frameworks.

1. Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, and Jinja 2. The main purpose is to develop a strong web application base. As compared to Django, Flask is best suited for small and easy projects.

2. CherryPy is a Minimalist Python Web Framework. It uses the Object-Oriented paradigm to develop web applications. This approach helps developers to develop web applications within a short period of time.

3. Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library. It is an easy-to-use lightweight framework generally used to build small web applications. It is mainly used to develop API’s.

4. Tornado is a python web framework with asynchronous network library. By using the non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user.