Program for Find sum of even factors of a number

import math

def sumofFactors(n) :

if (n % 2 != 0) :

return 0

res = 1

for i in range(2, (int)(math.sqrt(n)) + 1) :

count = 0

curr_sum = 1

curr_term = 1

while (n % i == 0) :

count= count + 1

n = n // i

if (i == 2 and count == 1) :

curr_sum = 0

curr_term = curr_term * i

curr_sum = curr_sum + curr_term

res = res * curr_sum

if (n >= 2) :

res = res * (1 + n)

return res

n = 18


Program for Legendre\’s Conjecture

import math

def isprime( n ):

i = 2

for i in range (2, int((math.sqrt(n)+1))):

if n%i == 0:

return False

return True

def LegendreConjecture( n ):

print ( "Primes in the range ", n*n

, " and ", (n+1)*(n+1)

, " are:" )

for i in range (n*n, (((n+1)*(n+1))+1)):


print (i)

n = 50
